The Olio, Winston-Salem, TowniesWS

Collaborate with Andrea


Hey there. I’m Andrea Littell, the creator and primary voice behind TowniesWS, and I
 love to work with people that stand for something greater than themselves.

Not brands, not businesses, not programs – people. Doers. Makers. Dreamers. Creators. Innovators. Dare I say, hustlers with heart.

Sound like you? Well then let’s continue…

If you’re into labels then technically I’m a freelance writer and messaging strategist. I often style and snap pictures, too. 

My road to here includes over a decade in marketing and communications, most recently overseeing the strategies for five multi-million dollar businesses simultaneously. I’ve helped win awards. I’ve helped win clients. I’ve helped launch new businesses. I’ve helped create a billboard in Times Square. It was eye opening. It was real. But then one day I took a leap a faith and stepped out on my own. I would like to say it was intentional, super strategic, thoughtfully planned out, but no, it wasn’t. I became a mom and my soul craved a shift. I decided to stop playing it safe in order to build a life I love. My own experience helped me find my voice and now I want to empower you to do the same.

Want to chat more? Click here to say hello.